Guglielmo Maisto



Guglielmo Maisto founded Maisto e Associati in 1991. He is a Professor of international and comparative tax law at the Università Cattolica di Piacenza. He is global President of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), member of the Board of Trustees of the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) in Amsterdam, member of the Practice Council of New York University (NYU) Law’s International Tax Program and member of the Board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy. He represents the Italian Association of Industries (Confindustria) at the OECD Business Industry Advisory Committee in Paris. He acted as a consultant to the Ministry for European Community Affairs and was a member of the EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum. In 2023 he was appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance as member of the Technical Committee established for the implementation of the Italian Tax Reform. He is a member of several law societies and of the editorial board of various Italian and foreign tax legal journals. He usually participates as speaker to several annual tax conferences.


  • European Union/OECD/International - President’s Welcome, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for International Taxation, 2024, 343-346
  • The design of a tax treaty between Perù and Italy on the avoidance of double taxation, G. Maisto, in Libro conmemorativo por el 40 aniversario de IFA Perù, 2024
  • Italy: The updated provisions on the taxation of income distributions from foreign trusts and similar entities residing in “privileged tax jurisdictions”, G. Maisto, in Trusts & Trustees, 11/07/2024
  • Note sull’applicazione dell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1) del Modello di Convenzione OCSE negli ordinamenti che adottano un sistema di imposizione su base territoriale, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2024, V, 17-36
  • Italy: Admiral Gaming Network A. O. (Joined cases C-475/20 to C-482/20), G. Maisto, C. Silvani, in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky (eds.), Vienna, 2024, 163-171
  • Italy: Contship Italia S.p.A. (Joined cases C-433/21 to C-434/21), G. Maisto, C. Silvani, in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky (eds.), Vienna, 2024, 173-182
  • Italy: Treaty Requires Foreign Tax Credit against Flat Tax, G. Maisto, C. Silvani, in Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, A. Rust, P. Pistone, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky, P. Essers, E. Kemmeren, C. Oner, D. Smith (eds.), Amsterdam, 2024, 311-322
  • Italy: Application of Later Versions of the OECD Commentary to Older Double Tax Treaties, G. Maisto, C. Silvani, in Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, A. Rust, P. Pistone, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky, P. Essers, E. Kemmeren, C. Oner, D. Smith (eds.), Amsterdam, 2024, 33-40
  • Notes on the application of Article 4(1) OCED Model Convention to territorial tax systems, G. Maisto, in A journey through European and international taxation: liber amicorum in honour of Peter Essers, C. De Ppietro, C. Peters, E. Kemmeren (eds.), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2024, 365-374
  • Italy: Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK ( C-83/21), G. Maisto, in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2022, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky (eds.), Wien, 2024, 1-7
  • Il transfer price nell'ordinamento tributario italiano, (a cura di) E. della Valle, G. Maisto, L. Miele, 2024
  • Rientro dei “cervelli”, perché l'Italia conviene, G. Maisto, in Il messaggero, 03/02/2024
  • Riforma della sanzioni alla ricerca della proporzionalità, G. Maisto, in Il sole 24 ore, 03/02/2024
  • Italy: retrospective application of the OECD report on the attribution of profits to Permanet Establishments (Supreme Court case no.8500 of 25 March 2021), G. Maisto, C. Silvani, in Tax Treaty case law 2022, E. Kemmeren, P. Essers , S. Stevens, T. Stevens, C. Oner, M. Lang, G. Kofler, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, K. Spies, D. Blum (eds.), Amsterdam, 2023, 59-68
  • Italy: no residence state's taxing rights under article 19(1)(a) of the Italy-UAE income tax treaty(1995) even if this leads to double non-taxation, G. Maisto, C. Silvani, in Tax Treaty case law 2022, E. Kemmeren, P. Essers , S. Stevens, T. Stevens, C. Oner, M. Lang, G. Kofler, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, K. Spies, D. Blum (eds.), Amsterdam, 2023, 319-327
  • Applying the arm's length principle to intra-group financial transactions: a reference guide, G. Maisto, R. Danon, V. Chand, A. Pletz (Eds.), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2023
  • Application of the EU dispute resolution mechanisms to financial transactions, G. Maisto, in Applying the arm's length principle to intra-group financial transactions: a reference guide, G. Maisto, R. Danon, V. Chand, A. Pletz (Eds.), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2023
  • Dispute Resolution under Tax Treaties and Beyond, G. Maisto (Ed.), Amsterdam, 2023
  • The OECD/G20 Global Minimum Tax and Dispute Resolution: A Workable Solution Based on Article 25(3) of the OECD Model, the Principle of Reciprocity and the GloBE Model Rules, G. Maisto, R. Danon, D. Gutmann, A. Martin Jimenez, in Dispute Resolution under Tax Treaties and Beyond, G. Maisto (Ed.), Amsterdam, 2023, 315-366
  • Inheritance and gift taxes - Italy, G. Maisto, A. Bavila, in La fiscalité des successions et des donations internationales, Gilles de Foy, Edouard-Jean Navez, Bruxelles, 2023, 667-710
  • Taxation of Interest under Domestic Law, EU Law and Tax Treaties, G. Maisto (Ed.), Amsterdam, 2022
  • Italy: UBS Real Estate (C-478/19 and 479/19) and Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK ( C-83/21), G. Maisto, in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2021, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds.), Wien, 2022, 253-262
  • The OECD/G20 Global Minimum Tax and Dispute Resolution: A Workable Solution Based on Article 25(3) of the OECD Model, the Principle of Reciprocity and the GloBE Model Rules, G. Maisto, R. Danon, D. Gutmann, A. Martin Jimenez, in World Tax Journal, 04/07/2022
  • Italian tax implications of loan of football players, G. Maisto, A. Brazzalotto, in Sports Law & Taxation, 2022
  • Italy, G. Maisto, in The tax disputes and litigation review, D. Pickstone (ed.), London, 2022, 120-136
  • Improving Taxation of Income from International Transportation —Study on Jurisdictions Covered by the Belt and Road Initiative, G. Maisto, in Belt and road initiative Tax Journal, 2021, II, 104-111
  • Oggetto e ambito della Direttiva, G. Maisto, in La risoluzione delle controversie fiscali internazionali nell’Unione Europea, L. Del Federico, P. Pistone e M. Trivellin (a cura di), Pisa, 2021, 91-119
  • Interpretation of Tax Treaties and the Decisions of Foreign Tax Courts as a “Subsequent Practice” under Articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969), G. Maisto, in Bulletin for International Taxation, 2021
  • Italy : HB v INPS and IC v INPS (C-168/19 and C-169/19); Sociéte Génerale (C-565/18; Stanleyparma and Stanleybet Malta (C-788/18), G. Maisto, in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2020, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds.), Wien, 2021, 81-98
  • Counteracting Tax Treaty Abuses from a European Perspective: Frictions and Interactions between the OECD PPT and the ATAD GAAR, G. Maisto, in Thinker, Teacher, Traveler: Reimagining International Tax (Essays in honor of H. David Rosenbloom), Kofler G, Mason R., Rust A. (eds), Amsterdam, 2021, 343-354
  • Italy: applicability of Article 10 of the Italy-Japan income tax treaty to Italian-source dividends paid to Japanese pension fund through certain US limited partnerships, G. Maisto, P. Arginelli, in Tax Treaty case law 2020, E. Kemmeren, P. Essers , D. Smit, C. Oner, M. Lang, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck, K. Spies (eds.), Amsterdam, 2021, 151-159
  • Italy : rules governing the taxation of intra-group dividends paid by a German subsidiary company to an Italian parent company, G. Maisto, P. Arginelli, in Tax Treaty case law 2020, E. Kemmeren, P. Essers , D. Smit, C. Oner, M. Lang, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck, K. Spies (eds.), Amsterdam, 2021, 287-295
  • The Friction of Domestic Anti-Avoidance Rules with Treaty GAARs: EU Experience, G. Maisto, in General Anti-Avoidance Rules: The Final Tax Frontier?, edited by Mukesh Butani and Tarun Jain, DLF Cyber City, 2021, 633-674
  • L’interazione tra norme antiabuso nazionali e pattizie nell’esperienza europea, G. Maisto, in Saggi in ricordo di Augusto Fantozzi, AA.VV., Pisa, 2021, 545-604
  • The future of the profit split method, R. Danon, G. Maisto, V. Chand, G. Cappelleri (eds.), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2020
  • The rise (and fall?) of the profit split method, G. Maisto, in The future of the profit split method, R. Danon, G. Maisto, V. Chand, G. Cappelleri (eds.), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2020, 1-31
  • Fowler v HMRC (Supreme Court): neither fish nor Fowler: tax treaty implications of domestic deeming rules, G. Maisto, A. Nikolakakis, P. Blessing, J. Hattingh, J. Avery Jones, in British Tax Review, 2020, 537-547
  • The Tax Treaty between Austria and Italy in light of the MLI, G. Maisto, in SWI Steuer und Wirthschaft International, 2020, 615-627
  • La UE alla prova su risorse proprie e fisco, G. Maisto, in Il Sole 24 Ore, 17/06/2020
  • Il punto su… -Giugno 202- DAC 6 e transfer pricing: l'hallmark dei safe harbours unilaterali, G. Maisto, in Rivista telematica di diritto tributario, 04/06/2020
  • Fisco, dall'emergenza Covid-19 alle riforme di tipo strutturale, G. Maisto, in Il sole 24 ore, 13/05/2020
  • Italy, G. Maisto, in The tax disputes and litigation review, S. Whitehead (edited by), London, 2020, 155-169
  • Current Tax Treaty Issues - 50th anniversary of the International Tax Group, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2020
  • Taxation of States under Tax Treaties, G. Maisto, in Current Tax Treaty Issues - 50th anniversary of the International Tax Group, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2020, 181-236
  • Law and Practice Italy, G. Maisto, in Corporate Tax Chambers Global Practice Guide 2020, S. Edge (contributing editor), 2020
  • New trends in the definition of Permanent Establishment, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2019
  • Italy: the shipbuilder's subcontractor case, G. Maisto, P. Arginelli, in Tax treaty case law around the globe 2018, E.C.C.M. Kemmeren, P. Essers, D.S. Smit, C. Oener, M. Lang, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), 2019, 95-105
  • Italy: the fragmented road transportation activity case, G. Maisto, P. Arginelli, in Tax treaty case law around the globe 2018, E.C.C.M. Kemmeren, P. Essers, D.S. Smit, C. Oener, M. Lang, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), 2019, 107-111
  • L' attuazione 'ragionata' delle raccomandazioni BEPS e delle direttiva anti-elusione nell'ordinamento tributario italiano, G. Maisto, in Per un nuovo ordinamento tributario, C. Glendi, G. Corasaniti, C. Corrado Oliva, P. de' Capitani di Vimercate (a cura di), Milano, 2019, 605-621
  • Dual residence of companies under tax treaties, G. Maisto, A. Nikolakakis, S. Austry, R. Vann, F. Potgens, B. Wiman, K. van Raad, T. Miyatake, J. Luedicke, K. Inoue, J. Hattingh, S. Goradia, R. Danon, P. Blessing, P. Baker, J. Avery Jones, in International tax studies, 2018, 3-86
  • Curbing Base Erosion via Withholding Taxes: The Case for a “Reverse Controlled Foreign Company” Approach, G. Maisto, C. Silvani, P. Arginelli, in Bulletin for International Taxation, 2018
  • Shall international tax planning drop drammatically by virtue of BEPS? It depends, G. Maisto, in Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)in taxation, B. Yalti (ed.), 2018, 171-175
  • Taxation of intellectual property under domestic law, EU law and tax treaties, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2018
  • Prove di coordinamento per utili privilegiati e branch exemption, G. Maisto, in Il Sole 24 Ore, 15/04/2018
  • Italy: Cases on the application of the ne bis in indem principle, Menci (C-524/15) Orsi and Baldetti (C-217/15 and C-350/15) and Bisignani (C-125/17) on Italian Reporting Obligations, G. Maisto, in CJEU: Recent Developments in Direct Taxation 2017, M. Lang, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), Wien, 2018, 107-126
  • Sulla web tax necessarie scelte concertate a livello Ocse, G. Maisto, in Il Sole 24 Ore, 03/11/2017
  • Some Reflections on the Proposed Revisions to the OECD Model and Commentaries, and on the Multilateral Instrument, With Respect to Fiscally Transparent Entities, G. Maisto, A. Nikolakakis, S. Austry, J. Avery Jones, P. Baker, P. Blessing, R. Danon, S. Goradia, J. Hattingh, K. Inoue, J. Luedicke, T. Miyatake, K. van Raad, R. Vann, B. Wiman, in British Tax Review, 2017, 295-373
  • Il successo della Convenzione non può essere dato per scontato, G. Maisto, in Il Sole 24 Ore, 07/06/2017
  • On the difficulties regarding the formation of customary law in the field of taxation, G. Maisto, in EU Law and the Building of Global Supranational Tax Law : EU BEPS and State Aid, D. Weber, Amsterdam, 2017, 21-36
  • Taxation of shipping and air transport in domestic law, EU law and tax treaties, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2017
  • Procedura di collaborazione volontaria: oggetto, soggetti, riduzione delle sanzioni, G. Maisto, in Voluntary Disclosure 2.0: tutte le novità delle procedura per il 2017 (Gruppo 24 Ore), gennaio 2017, 9-22
  • Italy: is there a permanent establishment?, G. Maisto, in Tax treaty case law around the Globe 2016, P. Essers, E. Kemmeren, D. Smit, M. Lang, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), Amsterdam, 2016, 169 - 174
  • Transfer pricing aspects of low value-adding services, G. Maisto, in Transfer pricing in a post-BEPS world, M. Lang, A. Storck, R. Petruzzi (eds), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2016, 145-158
  • Italy: C-194/15; Baudinete and others, G. Maisto, in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation, M. Lang, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), Wien, 2016, 97-105
  • EU and OECD convergence on international tax standards - focus on aggressive tax planning and its foreseeable future developments, G. Maisto, in Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS): impact for European and international tax policy, R. Danon (edited by), Zurich, 2016, 173-194
  • Le conséquences fiscales du 'Brexit, G. Maisto, J. Malherbe, in Revue de droit fiscal, 21/07/2016, n. 29, 3-4
  • Taxation of Entertainers and Sportspersons Performing Abroad, G. Maisto (editd by), Amsterdam, 2016
  • L'attuazine “ragionata” delle raccomandazioni BEPS nell'ordinamento tributario italiano, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario - supplemento online, 23/02/2016
  • Sulle attività preparatorie e ausiliarie escluse dalla configurabilità della stabile organizzazione in Italia di soggetti non residenti, G. Maisto, in Massimario delle Commissioni Tributarie della Puglia, 2015, 34-40
  • Immovable property under domestic law, EU law and tax treaties, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2015
  • Convenzioni internazionali per evitare le doppie imposizioni, G. Maisto (a cura di), Milano, 2015
  • Procedura di collaborazione volontaria: oggetto, soggetti, riduzione delle sanzioni, G. Maisto, in Voluntary Disclosure: guida pratica (Gruppo 24 Ore), 2015, 7-20
  • Web economy da concertare la territorialità allargata, G. Maisto, in Il Sole 24 Ore, 04/12/2014
  • The Principle of Effectiveness, G. Maisto, in Principles of Law: Function, Status and Impact in EU Tax Law, C. Brokelind (edited by), Amsterdam, 2014, 163-182
  • Taxation of Groups and CCCTB, G. Maisto, in Movement of Persons and Tax Mobility in the EU: Changing Winds, A. P. Dourado (edited by), Amsterdam, 2014, 355-362
  • Controlled Foreign Company Legislation, Corporate Residence and Anti-Hybrid Arrangement Rules, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for International Taxation, 2014, 327-331
  • Some Thoughts on the Judicial Application of EU Tax Law from an Italian Perspective, G. Maisto, in Litigating EU Tax Law in International, national and Non-EU National Courts, D. Sarmiento, D. Jiménez-Valladolid de L'Hotellerie-Fallois, Amsterdam, 2014, 31-48
  • Italy: Italian PE of Slovenian Citizen who acted as Tourist Intermediary for a Slovenian Ski Club, G. Maisto, in Tax Treaty case Law around the Globe 2014, P. Essers (edited by), Amsterdam, 2014, 17-21
  • Departures from the OECD Model and Commentaries: reservations, observations and positions in EU law and tax treaties, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2014
  • The meaning of “resident taxpayer” and “non-resident taxpayer” under the proposal for a Council Directive on a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB), G. Maisto, in Corporate Income Taxation in Europe, M. Lang, P. Pistone, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), Cheltenham, 2013, 116-158
  • Current Issues on the Interpretation of the Parent-Subsidiary Directive, G. Maisto, in EU Income Tax Law: Issues for the Years Ahead, D. Weber (edited by), Amsterdam, 2013, 1-20
  • Riciclaggio e corruzione: prevenzione e controllo tra fonti interne e internazionali: antiriciclaggio, obblighi del professionista e interrelazioni con la variabile fiscale, G. Maisto, in Riciclaggio e corruzione: prevenzione e controllo tra fonti interne e internazionali, Milano, 2013, 103-117
  • Section - Italy, G. Maisto, A. Bavila, in IBFD Trusts, 2013, online
  • Profili fiscali relativi all’acquisto e detenzione di opere d’arte, G. Maisto, in Il diritto dell’arte: La circolazione delle opere d’arte (vol. 2), G. Negri-Clementi, S. Stabile (a cura di), Milano, 2013, 233-239
  • Brevi riflessioni sulla evoluzione del concetto di “genuine link” ai fini della territorialità dell’imposizione tributaria tra diritto internazionale generale e diritto dell’Unione Europea, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2013, 889-917
  • Taxation of Companies on Capital Gains on Shares under Domestic Law, EU Law and Tax Treaties, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2013
  • Deducibilità dei tributi ai fini IRES e qualificazione dei rapporti giuridici retti dal diritto straniero, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2013, parte I, 41-59
  • Italy, G. Maisto, in The Tax Disputes and Litigation Review, S. Whitehead (edited by), London, 01/01/2013, 141-153
  • Essays on tax treaties: a tribute to David A. Ward, Amsterdam, 2012
  • Taxation of intercompany dividends under tax treaties and EU law, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2012
  • Il significato di “contribuente residente” e “contribuente non residente” nella Proposta di Direttiva del Consiglio relativa a una base imponibile consolidata comune per l'imposta sulle società CCCTB, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2012, 315-348
  • Profili di illegittimità delle disposizioni nazionali IVA di contrasto ai paradisi fiscali, G. Maisto, in GT: Rivista di Giurisprudenza tributaria, 2011, 8-12
  • La tassazione dei dividendi intersocietari : temi attuali di diritto tributario italiano, dell'Unione Europea e delle convenzioni internazionali, G. Maisto (a cura di), Milano, 2011
  • The meaning of “enterprise”, “business” and “business profits” under Tax Treaty and EU Tax Law, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2011
  • The Exercise of Legislative Taxing Powers in Occupied Territories, G. Maisto, in Tax Polymath: A life in international taxation. Essays in honour of John F. Avery Jones, P. Baker, C. Bobbett (eds), Amsterdam, 2011, 315-336
  • OECD Revision of Chapters I-III and IX of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines: Some Comments on Hierarchy of Methods and Re-characterization of Actual Transactions Undertaken, G. Maisto, in The 2010 OECD Updates, D. Weber, S. van Weeghel (eds), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2011, 173-182
  • The Impact of European Convention on Human Rights on Tax Procedures and Sanctions with Special reference to Tax Treaties and the EU Arbitration Convention, G. Maisto, in Human Rights and Taxation in Europe and the World, G. Kofler, M. Poiares Maduro, P. Pistone (eds), Amsterdam, 2011, 373-395
  • European VAT and Tax Treaties, G. Maisto, in VAT in an EU and international perspective: essays in honour of Han Kogels, H. van Arendonk, S. Jansen, R. van der Paardt (eds), Amsterdam, 2011, 51-61
  • Temi attuali sull’interpretazione della Direttiva madre figlia, G. Maisto, in La tassazione dei dividendi intersocietari - Quaderni della Rivista di diritto tributario, G. Maisto (a cura di), Milano, 2011, 555-589
  • The Pursuit of Harmonization Regarding Taxes on Death and the International Implications, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for International Taxation, 2011, 253-259
  • La cedolare secca discrimina le case all'estero, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 2011, 419-420
  • Art. 24(5) of the OECD Model in Relation to Intra-Group Transfers of Assets and Profits and Losses, G. Maisto, in World Tax Journal, 2011, 179-225
  • Death as a taxable event and its international ramifications, G. Maisto, in Cahiers de droit fiscal international - volume 95 b, The Hague, 2010, 17-60
  • Credit versus Exemption under Domestic Tax Law and Treaties, G. Maisto, in Tax Treaties: Building Bridges between Law and Economics, M. Lang, P. Pistone [eds], Amsterdam, 2010, 319-361
  • Taxation of Trusts in Italy, G. Maisto, in Taxation of Trusts in Civil Law Jurisdictions, R. Danon, J.-L. Chenaux, N. Tissot (eds), Zurich, 2010, 153-187
  • Italian Anti- Avoidance Rules and Tax Treaties, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for International Taxation, 2010, 441-444
  • Elusione ed abuso del diritto tributario : orientamenti attuali in materia di elusione ed abuso del diritto ai fini dell’imposizione tributaria, G. Maisto (a cura di), Milano, 2009
  • Norme anti-elusive, abuso del diritto e convenzioni internazionali per evitare le doppie imposizioni sul reddito, G. Maisto, in Elusione ed abuso del diritto tributario: orientamenti attuali in materia di elusione ed abuso del diritto ai fini dell’imposizione tributaria - Quaderni della Rivista di Diritto Tributario, G. Maisto (a cura di), Milano, 2009, 277-307
  • Residence of Companies under Tax Treaties and EC Law, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2009
  • Residence of Individuals under Tax Treaties and EC Law, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2009
  • International and EC Tax Aspects of Groups of Companies, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2008
  • Convenzioni internazionali per evitare le doppie imposizioni, G. Maisto (a cura di), Milano, 2008
  • Modello europeo per le legislazioni degli Stati membri in materia di imposizione fiscale delle società controllate estere (CFC), G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2008, 191-228
  • A European Model for Tax Member States' Legislation on the Taxation of Controlled Foreign Subsidiaries (CFCs) - Part I, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 2008, 503-513
  • A European Model for Tax Member States' Legislation on the Taxation of Controlled Foreign Subsidiaries (CFCs)- Part 2, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 2008, 554-570
  • Il metodo delle liste positive (white lists) e negative (black lists) ai fini dell'imposizione nei rapporti con Stati aventi regime fiscale privilegiato, G. Maisto, in Saggi sulla riforma dell’IRES - Quaderni della Rivista di Diritto Tributario, M. Beghin (a cura di), Milano, 2008, 291-314
  • The European Court of Justice and domestic law of tax procedure: a critical analysis, G. Maisto, in A vision of taxes within and outside European borders: Festschrift in honor of Prof. Dr. Frans Vanistendael, L. Hinnekens, P. Hinnekens (eds), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2008, 635-644
  • Shipping, inland, waterways transport and air transport (article 8 OECD Model Convention), G. Maisto, in Source Versus Residence, M. Lang, P. Pistone, J. Schuch, C. Staringer (eds), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2008, 21-57
  • L'applicazione delle convenzioni contro le doppie imposizioni ai trusts, G. Maisto, in Teoria e pratica della fiscalità dei Trust, G. Fransoni, N. de Renzis Sonnino (a cura di), Milano, 2008, 89-106
  • Final Report on shareholder costs, G. Maisto, A. Massimiano, in EU joint Transfer Pricing Forum, 2008, meeting of 27-28 Nov 2008
  • Treaty entitlement and personal attribution of income: Italian Branch report, G. Maisto, A. Bavila, in Cahiers de droit fiscal international - volume 92 b, The Hague, 2007, 331-350
  • Judicial errors under tax treaties and their remedies, G. Maisto, in Courts and tax treaty law, G. Maisto (a cura di), Amsterdam, 2007, 363-379
  • Courts and Tax Treaty Law, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2007
  • Possibili criteri direttivi per una revisione dell’IRES improntata alla competitività del sistema fiscale italiano, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2007, 343-352
  • EU law and rules of tax procedure: tackling discrimination and achieving simplification, G. Maisto, in The influence of European law on direct taxation: recent and future developments, D. Weber (edited by), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2007, 199-209
  • Orientamenti della giurisprudenza comunitaria in materia di attuazione del prelievo tributario, G. Maisto, in La normativa tributaria nella giurisprudenza delle corti e nella nuova legislatura, V. Uckmar (a cura di), Padova, 2007, 79-89
  • The Origins of Concepts and Expressions Used in the OECD Model and their Adoption by States, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 2006, 220-254
  • Le interrelazioni tra “diritto tributario comunitario” e “diritto tributario internazionale”: note a margine del volume collettaneo “International Tax Law”, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2006, 865-878
  • Il patto di famiglia: l’imprenditore sceglie il proprio successore, G. Maisto, in Corriere Giuridico, 2006, 717-725
  • Tax Treaties and Domestic Law, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2006
  • The Interpretation of Income Tax Treaties with Particular Reference to the Commentaries on the OECD Model, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2006
  • Multilingual Texts and Interpretation of Tax Treaties and EC Tax Law, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2005
  • L'estensione della normativa CFC alle “imprese estere collegate”, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2005, 241-256
  • The observations on the OECD Commentaries in the interpretation of tax treaties, G. Maisto, in A Tax Globalist: Essays in Honour of Maarten J. Ellis, Amsterdam, 2005, 73-89
  • Contribution of Prof. Maisto on penalties, G. Maisto, M. Cerrato, in EU joint Transfer Pricing Forum, 2005, meeting of 12-13 Dec 2005
  • The observations on the OECD Commentaries in the interpretation of tax treaties, G. Maisto, in Bullettin for fiscal documentation, Amsterdam, 2005, 14-19
  • Unione Europea e coordinamento delle politiche fiscali degli Stati membri in materia di convenzioni fiscali, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2004, 76-87
  • The 2003 Amendments to the EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive – What’s next?, G. Maisto, in EC Tax Review, 2004, 164-181
  • La traduzione dei testi giuridici redatti in più lingue e l’interpretazione delle convenzioni per evitare le doppie imposizioni, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2004, 131-137
  • Treaty Conflicts in Categorizing Income as Business Profits Caused by Differences in Approach between Common Law and Civil Law, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 2003, 237-248
  • Progetto Costituzione Europea. Appunti di lavoro, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2003, 124-135
  • Profili internazionalistici dell’imposizione delle imprese nella delega per la riforma tributaria, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2003, 703-767
  • Shaping EU Company Tax Policy. Part I: Amending the Tax Directives, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 2002, 287-302
  • Shaping EU Company Tax Policy. Part II: the EU Model Tax Treaty, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 2002, 303-308
  • Proposal for an EC Exemption of Capital Gains Realized by Parent Companies of Member States, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 2002, 28-39
  • Improving the Flexibility of Tax Treaties, Part 2 – Cross-border Tax Issues arising from Corporate Reorganizations, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 2002, 272-274
  • Characterisation of Other States’ Partnerships for Income Tax, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 2002, 288-320
  • La disciplina dei prezzi di trasferimento infragruppo, G. Maisto, in Materiali di diritto tributario internazionale, C. Sacchetto, L. Alemanno (a cura di), Milano, 2002, 259-284
  • The History of Article 8 of the OECD Model Treaty on Taxation of Shipping and Air Transport, G. Maisto, in International and Comparative Taxation, The Hague, 2002, 83-110
  • The Borderline between Optimal and Abusive Planning : an Italian Perspective, G. Maisto, in Papers of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law 2000, R. F. Atherton (edited by), Deventer, 2001, 167-176
  • Status and Perspectives of Harmonisation and co-ordination of Company Taxation in the European Community, G. Maisto, in 1st European Jurists Forum, Baden-Baden, 2001, 167-241
  • Su una proposta di esenzione delle plusvalenze realizzate da “società madri” comunitarie su partecipazioni in “società figlie” di Stati membri diversi, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2001, 1173-1194
  • Il nuovo regime di tassazione dei dividendi pagati da società figlie residenti in Stati non appartenenti alla Unione europea, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2001, 3-32
  • Cross-Border Valuation for Income Tax, Customs Duties and VAT, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 2001, 107-113
  • Taxation caused by or after a Change in residence - Part II, G. Maisto, in Tax Notes International, 2000, 741-766
  • Taxation caused by or after a Change in residence - Part I, G. Maisto, in Tax Notes International, 2000, 643-659
  • La qualificazione ai fini delle imposte sui redditi delle operazioni di fusione effettuate all’estero tra soggetti non residenti, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2000, parte IV, 231-236
  • Interpretation of Article 15(2)(b) of the OECD Model Convention: Remuneration Paid by, or on Behalf of, an Employer Who is not a Resident of the Other State, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 2000, 503-521
  • Il regime di imputazione dei redditi delle imprese estere partecipate (cd. Controlled Foreign Companies), G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2000, 47-57
  • Internet Banking: problemi fiscali, G. Maisto, in Banca e internet: Normativa e Regolamentazione, F. Riolo, D. Masciandaro (a cura di), Milano, 2000, 263-279
  • Il contratto di transazione nell’ambito di applicazione dell’imposta di registro, G. Maisto, in La transazione nella prassi interna ed internazionale, E. Andreoli (a cura di), Padova, 2000, 143-174
  • La residenza fiscale delle persone fisiche e gli indici rivelatori del centro principale degli affari e degli interessi, G. Maisto, M. Cerrato, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2000, parte IV, 19-35
  • Reflexiones en Materia de Tributacion del Comercio Electronico, G. Maisto, in Estudios en Memoria de Ramón Valdés Costa - volume II, Montevideo, 1999, vol. II, 693-709
  • The Definition of Dividend in the Double Taxation Relief Article, G. Maisto, in British Tax Review, 1999, 163-173
  • Residence of Individuals and the Italy-France Tax Treaty, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 1999, 42-48
  • La residenza fiscale delle persone fisiche emigrate in Stati o territori aventi regime tributario privilegiato, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 1999, 51-64
  • The Taxation of Trust in Civil Law Countries, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 1998, 242-248
  • Le prime riflessioni dell’OCSE sulla tassazione del commercio elettronico, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 1998, 47-57
  • Iscrizione anagrafica e residenza fiscale ai fini dell’imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 1998, parte IV, 217-225
  • Le modalità di applicazione del rimborso dei crediti d’imposta sui dividendi ai sensi delle convenzioni bilaterali per evitare le doppie imposizioni concluse con Francia e Gran Bretagna, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 1998, parte IV, 207-211
  • Italy introduces regional tax on productive activities., G. Maisto, in Tax Notes International, Arlington, 1997, 1029-1031
  • The EC Court’s Interpretation of the Parent-Subsidiary Directive under Denkavit Case, G. Maisto, in Intertax, 1997, 180-189
  • Il regime tributario dei dividendi nei rapporti tra “società madri” e “società figlie”, G. Maisto, Milano, 1996
  • The Shipping and Air Transport Provision (Art. 8) in the Italy-USA double taxation agreement, G. Maisto, in Intertax, Deventer, 1995, 146-149
  • Il progetto di rapporto OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 1995, 357-407
  • Regime impositivo di alcune categorie di redditi esteri ed appunti in tema di pianificazione fiscale internazionale, G. Maisto, in Le Società a Tassazione Speciale, M. Bernasconi (a cura di), Bellinzona, 1994, 109-140
  • Taxation of cross-border dividends, G. Maisto, v. C., in European Taxation, Amsterdam, 1993, 286-297
  • Interest-free loans and intercompany pricing, G. Maisto, in International Transfer Pricing Journal, 1993
  • Disciplina tributaria in Francia, Germania e Regno Unito, G. Maisto, in Mercati finanziari per le piccole e medie imprese. Analisi e progetto per il caso italiano, G. Forestieri (a cura di), Milano, 1993, 185-215
  • The Shipping and Air Transport Provision (art. 8) in the Italy-USA Double Taxation Agreement, G. Maisto, in Essays in International Taxation in honor of Sidney I. Roberts, Deventer, 1993, 287-292
  • Italy Approves Legislative Decree Implementing EC Mergers Directive, G. Maisto, in Tax Notes International, 1993, 67-68
  • Implementation of the EC Merger Directive, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 1993, 480-492
  • The implementation of the EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive in Italy, G. Maisto, in Intertax, Deventer, 1992, 502-507
  • La direttiva CEE relativa al regime tributario dei dividendi nei rapporti tra “società figlie” e “società-madri”, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 1992, 519-587
  • Transfer Pricing in the Absence of Comparable - General Report, G. Maisto, in Cahiers de droit fiscal international - vol. 77a, Deventer, 1992, 19-268
  • Il regime tributario delle operazioni intercorrenti tra imprese residenti e società estere soggette a regime fiscale privilegiato, G. Maisto, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 1991, parte I, 757-767
  • The Abuse of Rights Under Italian Tax Law: An Outline, G. Maisto, in Intertax, 1991, 93-96
  • The Non-Discrimination Article in tax Treaties part II, G. Maisto, in British Tax Review, 1991, 421-452
  • The Non-Discrimination Article in Tax Treaties part I, G. Maisto, in British Tax Review, 1991, 359-385
  • Problems Under the Italy-U.S. Double Taxation Agreement, G. Maisto, in Tax Notes International, 1990, 337-339
  • Il regime valutario e tributario nei contratti internazionali di acquisizione di partecipazioni azionarie, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1990, 45-58
  • Fiscalità Internazionale, G. Maisto, in Il diritto del commercio internazionale, F. Aldo (a cura di), Milano, 1990, 109-132
  • Double taxation treaty Italy-U.S.S.R. with particular reference to joint ventures, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, Amsterdam, 1989, 113-119
  • The Italian approach to cost-contribution arrangements and possible discrepancies with the US White Paper on transfer pricing, G. Maisto, in Intertax, Deventer, 1989, 44-128
  • Taxation of Technical Assistance and Independent Personal Services, G. Maisto, in International Taxation of Services, Deventer, 1989, 43-49
  • Tax Treatment of Computer Software - Italy, G. Maisto, in Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International - vol. 73b, 1988, 389-397
  • Brevi riflessioni sul concetto di residenza fiscale di società ed enti nel diritto interno e convenzionale, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1988, parte I, 1358-1365
  • Il transfer price nel diritto tributario italiano e comparato, G. Maisto, Padova, 1985
  • Valore normale e diritto valutario: applicazione dei principi OCSE sul prezzo di trasferimento, G. Maisto, in Giurisprudenza Italiana, 1985, 240-252
  • Regime delle royalties corrisposte a imprese non residenti ed in particolare sulla inconfigurabilità della licenziataria-sussidiaria quale stabile organizzazione, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1983, 617-643
  • Valore normale e diritto penale valutario: applicazione dei principi OCSE sul prezzo di trasferimento, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1983, 726-749
  • Tax Treatment in Italy of International Transactions between Affiliated Companies, G. Maisto, in Bulletin for Fiscal Documentation, 1983, 408-413
  • Tax Treatment of Intercompany Pricing in Italy, G. Maisto, in European Taxation, 1981, 275-288
  • Imposizione dei redditi prodotti all'estero e competitività internazionale, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1981, parte I, 1135-1184
  • Regime convenzionale dei redditi di lavoro autonomo e concetto di installazione fissa, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1981, 994-1003
  • Le spese deducibili nella determinazione del reddito nella stabile organizzazione all'estero, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1979, parte I, 1204-1214
  • Le nuove disposizioni del Lussemburgo sul regime fiscale delle società holdings, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1978, parte I, 615-618
  • In tema di inapplicabilità del diritto per i servizi amministrativi per importazioni da paesi aderenti al GATT, G. Maisto, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria, 1976, 1092-1101