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EU Tax Alert

  • 20-09-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/15
    Case C- 685/16, EV

    CJEU confirms that German rules introducing an unfavourable treatment for dividends from third-States are in breach of the free movement of capital
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  • 04-07-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/14
    Case C-28/17, NN

    CJEU issued its judgment on the compatibility with the TFEU of Danish legislation limiting the use, within domestic fiscal units, of losses incurred by Danish PEs of EU companies
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  • 28-06-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/13
    CJEU provides groundbreaking clarifications on the identification of the reference system for the purpose of identifying selectivity of tax measures under State Aid rules
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  • 12-06-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/12
    Case C-650/16, Bevola

    CJEU rules that freedom of establishment requires Denmark to grant deduction of final losses incurred by foreign PEs
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  • 31-05-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/11
    Case C-382/16 Hornbach-Baumarkt

    CJEU rules on compatibility of German transfer pricing legislation with the freedom of establishment
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  • 25-05-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/10
    The EU Council adopted the Directive on the automatic exchange of information on potentially aggressive cross-border arrangements (“DAC 6”)
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  • 26-04-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/09
    Joined cases C-236/16 and C-237/16; case C-233/16 and joined cases C-234/16 and C-235/16 - ANGED

    CJEU strengthens the relevance of comparability for purpose of assessing selectivity of tax measures
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  • 22-03-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/08
    The CJEU ruled on the compatibility of French deferred taxation system for exchanges of shares with the EU Merger Directive and the freedom of establishment
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  • 21-03-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/07
    The EU Commission publishes its proposals on the taxation of Digital Economy
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  • 14-03-2018 EU TAX ALERT 2018/06
    The EU Council reached agreement on the automatic exchange of information on potentially aggressive cross-border arrangements (“DAC 6”)
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